Tranquility, compassion, and pathea, and protection

There’s nothing better, literally nothing better, I can say this with utmost certainty, to buy for somebody who is struggling with these things, and I have been on every possible side of this situation. I have been the person who is sick, I have bought gifts for people who are sick, before I knew of these gifts I used to struggle with what to buy people for who are sick, and also, finally, I have advised a lot of people to buy these. So, there is no situation of this that I haven’t been on period there was even a time when I thought that this was a bad idea and I wouldn’t have considered buying this for someone. What if I learned from being on all these different sides of the equation?, I have learned that there is absolutely no reason not to believe in the power of these amazing gifts, that these are so much more an impactful than something like flowers or money or jewelry that doesn’t heal or some kind of card. They’re more valuable than things that even have way more monetary value, because these gifts go beyond the material, and they transcend into something that is extremely important. Honestly, I don’t know what else to say or do, I am a survivor of some pretty serious illness, and I literally think that there is nothing that can be purchased for somebody that can have as profound of an impact as these Crystals and Stones and pieces of jewelry. And I’m not some person who who is speaking with a unique opinion here, these are commonly accepted by so many survivors as a key tool to their experience. With Juju Supply, the founder was a woman who survived cancer twice, and was helped profoundly in her experience but healing crystals, and so, when she was free and ready to re-enter the world after her second time having cancer, she started this company, and truly believes in Breast cancer gifts. This is not someone who’s doing something to get rich, this is someone who’s doing something because it is the best thing that you can possibly bring into the world, and she has learned that from her own experience, and What more can be said about something than that?

They offer Tranquility, compassion, and pathea, and protection. Honestly, before I received my protection courts, I don’t think that I had felt protected once in my recovery process period and, how can you recover if you don’t have any protection? How can you grow and heal if you don’t feel like something is protecting you and defending you, if you’re so focused on defending yourself that you can’t focus on simply existing and improving and trusting the energy around you. Of course you’re not going to trust the energy around you unless it is infused with something positive if you’re in a situation like this, which is what happened to me, and this is why these crystals were able to make such a profound impact on my life. I trust that most people are in this type of situation too, I don’t think that it can get that much more severe and negative than the situation that I found myself in at the time, and I don’t think that I could have any better or have found any better solution than engaging with these crystals, and I think my good friend who introduced me to them all of the time, and I carry on that Legacy by offering the same resources to other people who are in need, and nothing is more fulfilling than seeing the positive results from people who engage with these things.

A consumer’s benefit

So, when it comes to Amazon Prime Canada, I do think that it is grossly undervalued for the amount of value that it provides them everyday consumer in today’s day in age. I do think that this is a secret that can’t be kept very long, and I am actually surprised that it is managing to remain as under the radar as it is right now, but I guess I’m not going to complain, because I think one day the Levee is going to break your, and when it does it’s going to happen in a huge way. Honestly, the group that I’m most surprised hasn’t grasped Amazon Prime already, and I know that it will be of course, will be the students. The reason I say this, is that Amazon Prime provide value to everybody, but to the fact that Amazon Prime offer services to students starting with a six-month trial of free service. Yes, one of the most comprehensive on the planet is offering their services to students for free for 6 months. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it is very very true, and the weirdest thing about it is that you don’t have to leave your house to shop anymore. I’m serious, you don’t have to leave your house to shop anymore. You have to pay anything for shipping. Yes, in a lot of areas of Canada this can take up to two days, which causes a little bit of negative reaction from some people cuz they hear about the 2-hour delivery in the United States. First of all, this is only in some areas of the United States, and second of all, that same day delivery is available some places in Canada, it just can’t be guaranteed to be two hours, and it might get there in the near future.

Practicing photography with my new camera filter

So, what else can I say about camera filter technology? Well I can say that I support it. I can say that I think it’s very cool comment I think that the advancements being made are really great. Personally, I love photography. I know that a lot of people look down on it, compared to other Visual Arts. However, it is actually one of the most popular commercial and artistic trades. It may not be as tedious as painting, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the images are any less powerful. Especially when you use a good camera filter, even a photo from a cell phone can evoke so much emotion, enough that it probably makes painters who work their whole lives away at perfecting images with meticulous detail very upset. I think I would be upset if I Were A Painter, and I was seeing the beautiful images that were being born from basic technology such as mobile phones. In general, I don’t believe art should be an activity withheld for the privileged view, and I have begun to see the accessibility to good photography equipment, such as smartphones and  camera filter apps, as an essential and lovely tool for those who once would not be able to practice photography at a high level.

Survival Cooking Tools

So, I need to buy something for my husband, I’m not sure what I should buy him. I’ve been looking at watches. There are some good ones– I’ve been looking at the best watches under 500. I just don’t know if he would ever wear a watch, because he’s not the kind of guy who likes to be to show your snazzy. However, recently we were at a wedding, and I could tell that he was a little bit embarrassed that he seemed to be under dressed compared to a lot of the other guys.

He went out and bought himself a nicer dress shirt and some better pants after that occasion, he does have a very nice jacket, but it is still lacking that extra accessory that makes an outfit like that pop… I don’t know if he would be embarrassed if I bought him something really nice like a $400 watch, but I do think that it is worth investigating if they can be extremely nice and make you feel really good about himself. I mean as a woman who loves jewelry, I can’t help but notice how much better I feel when I have a great accessory on, compared to when I don’t, it’s certain types of events. However, the other option is to do what I always do. Usually, I log on to the website called Survival Cooking. From here, I look at the top rated outdoor gear and camping supplies, and I buy him something that I know he doesn’t have, or that I know his current version of is getting old. For example, I recently got him brand new cooler to replace his old one, and he was thrilled that his old, crappy Coleman cooler had been superseded by this amazing new Yeti. So, I’m not quite sure which road I’ll take yet, but I guess I’m leaning towards the watch? Let me know what you think!



Driving in the city made easy

I know what you feel when you end up being stuck in traffic. Sometimes, you prefer walking than having your car with you for a weekly meeting or a dinner outside. You do not want to be caught up in rush hours or be caught up on the road with a car which does not want to start. Well, Unu Motors feel you.

Every city dweller knows that struggle and I am sure the makers of Unu Motors elektrische scooter have also experienced this one in their lives.

And so they made electric scooters in The Netherlands. They designed it to be an easy option to driving within the city—it has portable batter, free helmet, can be used three days, does not have any noise at all when driving, and has several colors to choose from, depending on your taste.

They have a fast delivery service that is incomparable and is very excellent. A lot of clients love how they handle customer service with great ardour and enthusiasm, and not just some other companies who have staff that are easily annoyed.


Tip for the Traveler: Pack Light

Who does not want a hassle-free trip? You would not want getting caught up in airports due to overweight luggage, right? You would not want ending up frustrated for not including your trusty sweater for your next trip to Illinois. Here’s a tip for you, pack light and travel hassle-free!

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Meet Van—My Travel Buddy

When I decided to quit my job and travel, I saved a large amount of my money to buy a camper van. I know that when I travel, I need money for transportation, especially if it’s out-of-town or in another country where I can use land transportation. So I know that investing in a camper van, which shall house all my travel gears and my clothes—pretty much my new home—is definitely a must.

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