How Long Can You Go Without Food?

Consuming food and water is essential for human life. Your body needs energy from food sources and hydration from water to function properly. The many systems in your body work optimally with a varied diet and adequate daily water intake.

But our bodies can survive for days without water. We can go days or sometimes weeks without food because we adjust our metabolism and energy use.

Why the period varies

Eliminating food intake and water intake for a significant period of time is also called starvation. Your body may starve after a day or two without food or water. At this point, the body begins to function differently to reduce the amount of energy it burns. Eventually, starvation leads to death.

There is no hard and fast “rule of thumb” for how long you can live without food. There is a lack of scientific research on hunger because it is now considered unethical to study hunger in human subjects.

There are some studies that examine old research on hunger and examine more recent occurrences of hunger in the real world. These cases include hunger strikes, religious fasting, and other situations.

These studies have uncovered several observations about hunger:

An article in Archiv Fur Kriminologie states that the body can survive 8 to 21 days without food and water and up to two months if there is access to adequate water intake.

Modern hunger strikes have provided insight into hunger. A study in the British Medical Journal cited several hunger strikes that ended after 21 to 40 days. These hunger strikes ended because of the severe, life-threatening symptoms experienced by the participants.

There appears to be a specific “minimum” number on the body mass index (BMI) scale for survival. According to the journal Nutrition, men with a BMI of less than 13 and women with a BMI of less than 11 cannot sustain life.
An article in the British Medical Journal concludes that those who are normal weight lose a higher percentage of their body weight and muscle tissue faster than those who are obese if they starve to death during the first three days.

According to Nutrition magazine, the body composition of women makes them endure hunger longer.

How is this possible?
Being able to live for days without food or water seems unimaginable to many of us. After all, fasting for days or even going for hours without food and water can leave many of us irritable and low on energy.

Your body actually adapts when you fast for short periods of time or are unable to access food and water for very long periods of time. This allows people to religiously fast and even try “fasting” diets like the Eat-Stop-Eat approach without irreparably damaging their bodies.

It takes about eight hours without eating for your body to change the way it functions. Before that, it functions as if you were eating regularly.

Under normal circumstances, your body breaks down food into glucose. The glucose provides energy for the body.

Once your body has not had access to food for 8 to 12 hours, your glucose stores are depleted. Your body begins to convert glycogen from your liver and muscles into glucose.

After your glucose and glycogen are depleted, your body begins to use amino acids to provide energy. This process affects your muscles and can starve your body for about three days before your metabolism makes a major shift to maintain lean body tissue.

To prevent excessive muscle loss, the body begins to rely on fat stores to create ketones for energy, a process known as ketosis. You will experience significant weight loss during this time. One of the reasons women can go hungry longer than men is because their bodies have a higher fat composition. Women are also able to hold protein and lean muscle tissue better than men during starvation.

The more fat stores available, the longer a person can usually survive during starvation. Once fat stores are fully metabolized, the body returns to muscle breakdown for energy, as it is the only remaining fuel source in the body.

You will experience severe adverse symptoms during starvation when your body is using its muscle reserves for energy. A study in the British Medical Journal states that those who undergo starvation should be closely monitored for severe side effects of starvation after they have lost 10 percent of their body weight. It also says that very serious conditions occur when a person loses 18 percent of their body weight.

Why does water intake affect this?
You are much more likely to starve yourself for weeks – and possibly months – if you can consume a healthy amount of water. Your body has many more reserves to replace food than liquid. Your kidney function will decline within a few days without adequate hydration.

According to one article, those on their deathbeds can survive between 10 and 14 days without food and water. Some longer survival times have been noted, but are less common. Remember that people who are bedridden do not use much energy. A person who is healthy and mobile would likely perish much sooner.

One study that looked at hunger strikes suggested that a person needs to drink at least 1, 5 liters of water per day to survive hunger for an extended period of time. The study also suggested adding half a teaspoon of salt per day to the water to support kidney function.

Side effects and risks of restricted eating
Living without access to food and water can have a detrimental effect on your body. Your body’s many systems begin to deteriorate, even though your body can go on for days and weeks without food and water.

Some of the side effects of starvation include:

  • fainting
  • dizziness
  • drop in blood pressure
  • slowing of the heart rate
  • hypotension
  • weakness
  • dehydration
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • abdominal pain
  • low potassium
  • fluctuation of body temperature
  • post-traumatic stress or depression
  • heart attack
  • organ failure

Those who experience prolonged starvation cannot immediately begin to eat normal amounts of food. The body must be eased back into eating very slowly to avoid side effects known as refeeding syndrome, including:

  • heart disease
  • neurological conditions
  • swelling of the body tissues

Resuming eating after starvation requires the supervision of a physician and may include cooked vegetables, lactose-free foods, and a low-protein, low-sugar diet.

The human body is quite resilient and can function for days and weeks without proper food and water. This is not to say that going without food for an extended period of time is healthy or should be practiced.

Your body can sustain itself for a week or two without access to food and water and possibly even longer if you consume water. Those who suffer from hunger need to be monitored by a doctor to recover after the period without food to avoid this syndrome.

How Long Does Food Poisoning Last

Food poisoning, also called foodborne illness, is a disease caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organisms – including bacteria, viruses, and parasites – or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning.

Infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food at any processing or production site. Contamination can also occur at home when food is mishandled or cooked.

Symptoms of food poisoning that may occur within hours of eating contaminated food often include nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Most of the time, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment. But some people need to go to the hospital.

Problem Description

Food poisoning symptoms vary with the source of contamination. Most types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Watery or bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Fever

Signs and symptoms may begin within hours of eating the contaminated food or start days or even weeks later. Illness caused by food poisoning generally lasts from a few hours to several days.

When to see a doctor
If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, seek medical attention.

  • Frequent episodes of vomiting and inability to keep fluids down
  • Bloody vomit or stool
  • Diarrhea for more than three days
  • Extreme pain or severe abdominal cramps
  • An oral temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C)
  • Signs or symptoms of dehydration-excessive thirst, dry mouth, little or no urination, severe weakness, dizziness, or lightheadedness
  • Neurological symptoms such as blurred vision, muscle weakness, and tingling in the arms

Contamination of food can happen at any point of production: Growing, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping or preparing. Cross-contamination-the transfer of harmful organisms from one surface to another-is often the cause. This is especially problematic for raw, ready-to-eat foods such as salads or other produce. Because these foods are not cooked, harmful organisms are not destroyed before eating and can cause food poisoning.

Many bacterial, viral, or parasitic agents cause food poisoning. The following table shows some of the possible contaminants when you can feel symptoms and common ways the organism spreads.

Risk factor
Whether you get sick after eating contaminated food depends on the organism, the amount of exposure, your age, and your health. Risk groups include:


As you get older, your immune system may not respond as quickly or effectively to infectious organisms as it used to.
Pregnant. During pregnancy, changes in your metabolism and circulation may increase your risk of food poisoning. Your reaction may be more severe during pregnancy. Rarely, your baby may also get sick.
Infants and young children. Their immune systems are not fully developed.

People with chronic diseases. A chronic disease – such as diabetes, liver disease, or AIDS – or chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer reduces your immune response.

The most common serious complication of food poisoning is dehydration – a severe loss of water and essential salts and minerals. If you are a healthy adult and drink enough to replace fluids you lose through vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration should not be a problem.

Infants, older adults, and people with suppressed immune systems or chronic illnesses can become severely dehydrated if they lose more fluids than they can replace. In this case, they may need to be hospitalized and receive intravenous fluids. In extreme cases, dehydration can be fatal.

Some types of food poisoning have potentially serious complications for certain people. These include:

Listeria infection. Complications of Listeria food poisoning can be most severe for an unborn baby. Early in pregnancy, a Listeria infection can cause miscarriages. Later in pregnancy, Listeria infection can lead to stillbirths, premature births, or potentially fatal infection of the baby after birth – even if the mother was only mildly ill. Infants who survive a Listeria infection may experience long-term neurological damage and delayed development.

Escherichia coli (E. coli). Certain strains of E. coli can cause a serious complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome. This syndrome damages the lining of tiny blood vessels in the kidneys and sometimes leads to kidney failure. Older adults, children under age 5, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of developing this complication. If you are in one of these risk categories, see your doctor at the first sign of severe or bloody diarrhea.

To prevent food poisoning at home:

Wash your hands, utensils, and food surfaces frequently. Wash your hands well with warm, soapy water before and after handling or preparing food. Use hot soapy water to wash utensils, cutting boards, and other surfaces you use.

Keep raw foods separate from ready-to-eat foods. When shopping for, preparing, or storing food, keep raw meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish away from other foods. This prevents cross-contamination.

Cook foods to a safe temperature. The best way to determine if food is cooked to a safe temperature is to use a food thermometer. You can kill harmful organisms in most foods by cooking them to the proper temperature.

Cook ground beef to 160 F (71.1 C), steaks, roasts and chops, such as lamb, pork and veal, to at least 145 F (62.8 C). Cook chicken and turkey to 165 F (73.9 C). Make sure fish and shellfish are thoroughly cooked.

Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods immediately – within two hours of purchase or preparation. If room temperature is above 90 F (32.2 C), refrigerate perishable foods within one hour.
Defrost foods safely. Do not thaw foods at room temperature. The safest way to thaw food is to thaw it in the refrigerator. If you microwave frozen food on the “defrost” or “50% power” setting, cook it immediately.

When in doubt, throw it out. If you are not sure if a food was safely prepared, served or stored, discard it. Food left at room temperature too long may contain bacteria or toxins that cannot be destroyed by cooking. Don’t try food you’re not sure about – just throw it away. Even if it looks and smells good, it may not be safe to eat.

Food poisoning is especially serious and potentially life-threatening to young children, pregnant women and their fetuses, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. These individuals should take extra precautions by avoiding the following foods:

  • Raw or rare meat and poultry
  • Raw or uncooked fish or shellfish, including oysters, clams, mussels and scallops
  • Raw or uncooked eggs or foods that may contain them, such as cookie dough and homemade ice cream
  • Raw sprouts such as alfalfa, beans, clover and radishes
  • Unpasteurized juices and cider
  • Unpasteurized milk and milk products
  • Soft cheeses such as feta, brie and camembert; blue cheese; and unpasteurized cheese
  • Chilled pies and meat spreads
  • Uncooked hot dogs, lunch meats and sausages

How Long Does It Take To Digest Food?

Digestion time varies between individuals and between men and women. After eating, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion, water absorption and finally elimination of undigested food. It takes about 36 hours for food to move through the entire colon. All told, the entire process – from the time you swallow food until it leaves your body as feces – takes about two to five days, depending on the individual.

Free Printable Card Games and Board Games

Calling all DIYers, parents, homeschoolers, teachers, babysitters, day care providers, grandparents and those who love to save money and get free things–have I got some great links for you today! Hundreds of free printable board games and card games.
I’ve come to the conclusion that not only is it possible to print just about anything from the Internet, it’s also possible to find free printables for just about anything on the Internet. As always, I’ve explored each of the links and they are safe to print. You may need to turn off pop-up blockers and have Adobe Acrobat or some other PDF reader installed on your computer. But aside from that, it’s point, click, print and enjoy!

These free printable links have board games, bingo games, word games, puzzles games, memory games, card games, lotto games, game tokens, game spinners, instructions and even free printable dice (which could be used as an excellent way to teach 3D shapes and geometric solids…alas, once a teacher, always on the prowl for a lesson plan.) When I say that this list in no way covers all the free printable games, I’m not exaggerating.

I love the fact that most all of these games print in black and white, because you know what that means? Free printable coloring pages also. If you have craft coloring activity fiends in your house or classroom, you’ll know that they love any opportunity to color. My youngest even insists on coloring all the illustrations in her books. So these free printable games give us more bang for the buck, well, not the buck in this case! Kids will love printing, cutting and pasting and assembling these free printable games. These make good little gifts, classroom materials, teaching supplies, babysitting boredom busters, day care and grandparents rainy day activities, car trip activities, you name it. This link has a nice selection of puzzles and one page games with nice graphics. Educational games too. Many word game, card game, bingo and board games on many themes: animals, seasons, holidays and more. Good for upper elementary kids too. This is a cute girly board game to print. Fun, interesting educational games. Great for interactive summer math and reading practice for students. Nicely laid out. Adrian Bruce has a nice selection of free printable games. Educational. Lots of card games (my favorite). Kids Crafts at Suite 101 was a real find. I was astonished at the huge selection of free printable games available. I was delighted to see games based on some familiar literary faces: Froggy, The Very Busy Spider and several other good buddies from beloved kids’ books. Suite 101 was a nice find for online article writers also.

Now if you can’t find a game on this list that suits your fancy, I’ll be very surprised. That’s it from now, be sure to check us out at Infantcore!

How to Make Hummingbird Food

Refined white sugar

Instructions for making safe hummingbird food:

Mix 1 part sugar with 4 parts water (e.g., 1 cup sugar with 4 cups water) until sugar is dissolved
Do not add red dye
Fill your hummingbird feeder with the sugar water and ort outside
Additional sugar water can be stored in the refrigerator
Change the feeders every other day and clean them thoroughly each time to prevent harmful mold growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use tap water?

Yes. You can use tap water to make your hummingbird nectar.

What type of sugar can I use?

Always use refined white sugar (regular table sugar). Never use honey, corn syrup, or raw, unprocessed sugar.

Powdered sugar (also called confectioners’ sugar) often contains additional ingredients such as cornstarch. Therefore, it is not recommended for making hummingbird food.

Should I boil the water?

No, the water for your nectar does not need to be boiled. Stir or shake your mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

What does 1 part sugar and 4 parts water mean?

One part can be any type of measurement (e.g. cup, ounce, quart, etc.) but will always be the same. To calculate 1 part sugar and 4 parts water for your recipe, first choose a measurement for “one part. “Then do some simple math:

1 x (chosen “one part” measurement) = total sugar

4 x (selected “one part” measurement) = total water

For example, if you want to make a large amount of sugar water, you can choose 1 part = 2 cups for your recipe.

1 x 2 cups = 2 cups of sugar

4 x 2 cups = 8 cups of water

So in this example, you would mix 2 cups of sugar (1 part) with 8 cups of water (4 parts).

To make a smaller batch of sugar water, you may decide that for your recipe, 1 part = ½ cup.

1 x ½ cup = ½ cup of sugar.

4 x ½ cup = 2 cups of water.

So in this example, you would mix ½ cup of sugar (1 part) with 2 cups of water (4 parts).

How long can I store additional sugar water in the refrigerator?

Supplemental sugar water for your hummingbird feed can be stored in the refrigerator, but should not be stored for more than two weeks. If you notice mold on your sugar water stored in the refrigerator, throw it away and make a new batch for your hummingbird feeder.

How often should I change the sugar water in my hummingbird feeder?

It is recommended that feeders be changed and thoroughly cleaned every other day, but it is important that they be cleaned and refilled at least twice a week in hot weather (summer) and once a week in cooler weather (spring/fall) to prevent mold growth.

When should I set up my feeder?

Hummingbirds are migratory, Therefore, exactly when you should set up or take down your hummingbird feeder depends on where you live. Along the Gulf Coast and other southern parts of the U.S., feeders can be set up from mid-February to early November. In the mid-latitudes, they should be placed from early to mid-April through late October. Farther north, they can be placed from early May through late September. Visit eBird to learn more about hummingbird migration.

It is a myth that leaving hummingbird feeders too late in the fall will prevent birds from migrating. Hummingbirds have an internal clock regulated by the changing length of the day that lets them know when it is time to leave.

Where should I set up my feeder?

Place your feeder in the shade of windows and areas with a lot of activity. If possible, place your feeder near trees. Hummingbirds are territorial and like to perch in nearby trees to chase away intruders in their feeding area.

Why shouldn’t I add red dye to my sugar water recipe?

Red dye or coloring is not necessary to attract hummingbirds and could be harmful to the birds.
What plants and flowers attract hummingbirds?

Hummingbirds like flowers that produce lots of nectar, such as bee balm, salvias, weigela, trumpet honeysuckle (and other trumpet vines), and bleeding hearts. Red, tubular flowers are especially popular with these birds.

Many nursery flowers are grown for color, longevity, and size but do not produce much nectar, but some nurseries may have sections devoted to hummingbirds

Home Decorating Theme – Medieval Goth


One of the most misrepresented subcultures; Goths are not all into having everything black, gloomy, depressing, or death-related. In this article we’ll explore home decorating ideas for one of the perhaps original types, the Medieval Goth.
A man’s home is his castle, as the old saying goes, and this decorating style strives to make it a reality. Candles cast a soft glow over tapestries and suits of armor standing at attention. Gargoyle and dragon statues grace the shelves, while sword displays hang on the walls. Stained glass, wall sconces, chains, faux stone, and Gothic arches and are also design elements.

Colors would be burgundy, gold, black, hunter or forest green, and navy or midnight blue. Fabric choices could be heavier weights including velvet, tapestry, wool, fake fur, and linen. Curtains and wall hangings would use iron or pewter rods.

Furniture could be a mix of wood and stone. Throws and slip covers could be used to conceal modern style sofas. Iron hardware may be added to pieces to lend a medieval Goth flair. Simple hooks and chains can suspend tea light candles in pretty glass containers.

Now that we have an idea of what we are trying to achieve, the next question is where to find what we need? Well, I know an online shop that sells funky finds you need. I actually both a couple of wooden dinnerware sets there and it was superb!

For the fabrics, any local fabric store should have what you need. You might even find some good tapestry fabric to make your own wall hanging. If you’re an internet shopper these sites may be useful. – There are some gorgeous medieval tapestries here, perfect for Goth décor and many very reasonably priced. – This website carries tapestry fabric and chenille tapestry in several rich patterns.

For the furniture and accessories; yard and estate sales and thrift stores are good places to look for items you can modify to fit your medieval Goth castle. Home improvement stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot should have iron hardware, chains, and rods. Home décor and craft stores such as Garden Ridge carry wonderful suits of armor. Statues and other medieval collectibles can be found at various places online. – Their items are a little expensive, but they are beautiful. From Excalibur to dragon wall sconces to several gargoyle sculptures and much more; even if you don’t buy something you’ll enjoy browsing. – This website is a great resource for medieval home decorating. I found the small touches such as the set of castle keys and helmet desk organizer very nice. – This site has some very nice statues of dragons and gargoyles, figurines of gallant knights, banners, sun catchers, and much more.

There are so many craft projects and resources for this style! Here I’ve highlighted some of them. – Free heraldry stencils including lion rampart and fleur-de-lis. These can be used to make your own shield, customizing a lampshade, or any other idea you can think of. – Step by step directions for creating faux stone walls. – Not just one tutorial, but several different plans for various pieces of medieval furniture

Don’t be afraid to turn your home into your own Goth medieval castle. It is possible to create your escape into the bygone days of chivalry on a small budget with some time and creativity.

Best Layouts for Fishing, Hunting and Outdoor Lodge Websites



Setting up a website for your lodge is one of the most important decisions of your business. The key aspect of a lodge website is its ability to be found by your customers. Before selecting a web design company, the business owner should learn the basics of keyword research, consider important search terms that relate to their business and choose a specialist that can create a successful site.

Not all web design companies specialize in search engine optimization, so it is important to review past examples of success when choosing a web design company. Do they have existing clients that rank high in search engine results?


A reputable designer can explain all the factors that influence a website’s search engine rankings, suggest which key phrases might be important and offer services to help your site perform well on Google, Bing and other search engines. After all, the most exquisite and artful website in the world cannot put paying customers on your boat unless they can find you online.


Once the business owner decides to set up a lodge web site, a good idea is to create a list of features that are needed for the project. A blueprint of the site may include only a single page or a menu which includes several pages. Essential to any hunting-fishing-outdoor lodge website is the home page, which may feature a few photos and a brief description of services. My friend who’se working on sites about web hosting Canada reviews says you should seek their help first.

Larger sites will have a full menu on the home page, listing all the important sections that clients may need to access.


Many lodge owners will need a photo gallery which accurately depicts the type of accommodations they will provide. For fishing and hunting lodges, this may include a collection of photos that show the types of species found nearby as well as past successes. Other lodges such as nature or adventure lodges may need images that focus on local geography, events and recreation.

Many lodge owners will include sections that provide seasonal information, rates, types of trips, what to bring, driving directions and other important information. These sections can provide customers with help in .


Some lodges include a blog on their website. Blogs, news pages and report sections are extremely popular among audiences and can be a vital tool for building a portfolio of repeat customers. Some blogging tools combine periodic entries, photos and guests comments to create an interactive experience that attracts a loyal following of readers throughout the season.


A lodge website can also be an important sales tool. In addition to traditional services such as guided fishing and hunting trips, many top businesses offer t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and other accessories. A good website can increase sales of gear which has become a valuable source of income for many businesses.


Once the website is launched, a specialist can show you cost effective ways to improve your search engine ranks, target specific search terms and bring more readers to your site. The end result can be more paying customers that visit your facility.


To learn more about setting up a hunting, fishing or other outdoor lodge website, improving your search engine rankings or online promotions, visit Daybreak Web Designs.

Appealing Facts Regarding Real Estate Professionals

Determining if you should make use of a real estate agent when you actually purchase or market your following residence is actually a question that you could have pondered in the past. If perhaps you aren’t sure if perhaps it might be beneficial to utilize a real estate professional, possibly this article can assist. It’s an undeniable fact that purchasing a property is definitely essentially the most highly-priced thing that nearly all people accomplish in their own lives. And the reality is that acquiring the top deal is exactly what you’ll get in the event that you will choose the particular expert services associated with a realtor – whether it be selling or buying a house.
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In the event that you’re in search of the best bargain for your hard earned dollars then this will be achievable to achieve by means of choosing a dependable realtor. You’ll not be overpaying and are going to be able to take it easy understanding the fact that you obtained the very best bargain regarding the needs you have. We simply can’t disregard that in relation to Vancouver real estate, it happens to be brimming. Precisely what that means? It signifies the fact that you’ll have trouble on the lookout for the best deals yourself. In terms of real estate agents, these people will undoubtedly be in a position to overcome all of the issues that may occur effortlessly. In the event that you happen to be the particular person that is actually seeking to spend money on real estate property well then deciding on one real estate broker out of all the Burnaby real estate agents is exactly what you should carry out.

How Treat Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is often diagnosed based on a detailed history, including how long you’ve been sick, your symptoms and specific foods you’ve eaten. Your doctor will also perform a physical exam, looking for signs of dehydration.

Depending on your symptoms and health history, your doctor may conduct diagnostic tests, such as a blood test, stool culture or examination for parasites, to identify the cause and confirm the diagnosis.

For a stool test, your doctor will send a sample of your stool to a lab, where a technician will try to identify the infectious organism. If an organism is found, your doctor likely will notify your local health department to determine if the food poisoning is linked to an outbreak.

In some cases, the cause of food poisoning can’t be identified.

Treatment for food poisoning typically depends on the source of the illness, if known, and the severity of your symptoms. For most people, the illness resolves without treatment within a few days, though some types of food poisoning may last longer.

Treatment of food poisoning may include:

Replacement of lost fluids. Fluids and electrolytes — minerals such as sodium, potassium and calcium that maintain the balance of fluids in your body — lost to persistent diarrhea need to be replaced. Some children and adults with persistent diarrhea or vomiting may need hospitalization, where they can receive salts and fluids through a vein (intravenously), to prevent or treat dehydration.
Antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if you have a certain kind of bacterial food poisoning and your symptoms are severe. Food poisoning caused by listeria needs to be treated with intravenous antibiotics during hospitalization. The sooner treatment begins, the better. During pregnancy, prompt antibiotic treatment may help keep the infection from affecting the baby.

Antibiotics will not help food poisoning caused by viruses. Antibiotics may actually worsen symptoms in certain kinds of viral or bacterial food poisoning. Talk to your doctor about your options.

Adults with diarrhea that isn’t bloody and who have no fever may get relief from taking the medication loperamide (Imodium A-D) or bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol). Ask your doctor about these options.

Tips for Backpacking Gear Preparation


This is the perfect time to get your backpacking gear ready for spring and summer. The gentle warmth of coming spring is turning snowy ground to muddy muck. Hiking in mud is no fun. Take the next couple of weeks to clean off the dirt, do the maintenance, and apply new waterproofing. All your backpacking gear (purchase through needs tender loving care.
Start with your boots. Take out the laces and check them for wear, replace them if needed (laces are cheap). Use a soft brush to remove the dried mud and loose dirt especially where the sole meets the upper and under the boot tongue. Is it time to treat your feet to a new pair of insoles? Wipe out the inside with a soft damp cloth. Waterproof your boots with the proper agent. Mink oil keeps leather boots supple and keeps water from soaking in. Spray on waterproofing works well on man-made fabrics.

Keep the spray-on waterproofing handy for the outside of your backpack. Use that soft brush again to clean off any loose dirt first. Check the zippers, make sure they work smoothly. Vacuum loose debris out of the main compartment and pockets. Make sure all the straps are in place and the buckles lock firmly. This is a great time to decide which type of pack is right for you –

Trek poles are like extra legs so they need attention. Here is where to find good information for maintaining and getting the most use out of them –

Hydration is important when you are on the trail. Take the water bladder out of the freezer (You have been keeping in the freezer? Freezing it makes sure no nasty mildew grows in it.) and give it a good washing out. Check that the hose and mouthpiece are in good shape. There is a filter in the water pump. It is going to need replacing if the pump is getting harder to work or the filter is coated in black goo. Examine the pump handle for cracks. Days away from civilization is not when you want it to break off. The intake and filler hoses need to be checked for kinks or splits.

Take the camp stove apart and give it a good cleaning. Screw on a fuel canister and listen for gas escaping around the seal. Fire it up to ensure there is flame around the burner. How much fuel is left from last year? Give the camp pots and utensils a good scrubbing.

Set up the tent. You will know if any poles or tie-downs are missing and if any need replacing. Count the tent pegs. More zippers to check. Examine the seams for potential splits and reseal them if needed. Look for tears in the bug screen on the windows. Vacuum out any dirt on the floor.

At the end of the hike you will be ready to rest so make certain your sleeping bag and ground pad are ready. Sweat and dirt not only make your sleeping bag smell funky they also reduce its thermal efficiency. Follow the manufacturers washing instructions. Blow up your ground pad, stand it up in the shower and gently wash it with liquid soap. Not only will it get clean but you can check for leaks, watch for bubbles. Use the patch kit that came with it to repair any holes.

All your expensive gear will last longer with regular maintenance. When its time for that first warm weather backpacking trip you will not have to waste time getting ready. The boots will get you where you want to go, your pack will carry the necessities, the tent will shield you from the elements, trek poles will ease your burden, water and food will taste good, and your bed will smell fresh and keep you warm.

Happy backpacking.