Thankyou for checking out this page about me. Well, there’s really nothing to know more about this blogger. I am The Fat Panda but I personally call myself The Chubby. But in case you might want to know my real name, my birth certificate tells that I am Sanya. I am a traveler and a foodie blogger who loves to tell tales, take photographs, and admire the view of where I am. And yes, I am chubby and a little overweight but I am loving every inch of me.
About this Blog
This blog was founded when I was traveling somewhere in The Maldives. I loved the food there so I decided to note down the things I ate and made a review on every restaurant I ate at. This blog is just new so I really want to fill this with good content so I will have a good following. I hope you enjoy every corner of this blog. Thanks a have a good day to all!